01296 634921
07827 505389
Sara Howard
Clinical Hypnotherapy
Stress Management
Personal & Executive Coaching
Sara is a highly experienced post-graduate practitioner. She is fully registered with the leading bodies in hypnotherapy, stress management and coaching and she has an Advanced Diploma in Hypnosis and Psychotherapy, the GHR Senior Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice and holds the International Stress Management Association’s Comprehensive Knowledge Route for practitioners.
Sara has completed thousands of hours in successful clinical practice and has successfully helped numerous people from all walks of life to cope with emotional anxiety and stress related issues. Her extensive training and integrated skill set enables her to focus on the best solution for her clients. For example, she successfully treats fears and phobias, smoking habits, comfort eating, and other anxiety related symptoms many people describe as feeling out of their comfort zone. Anxiety can impact on our communication skills and our relationships therefore managing stress effectively can improve our relationships and wellbeing.
Sara is calm and motivational and works with her clients towards increasing their confidence and sense of well being so they can get the best out of life. She does this by helping them to regain a sense of control and this may include teaching coping strategies. Where appropriate she will work with the client to find the cause of the symptom and to reduce its impact on his/her daily life.
Sara’s academic and training background is highly extensive and includes PhD psychology research, and solution focused & NLP coaching which enables her to support people through transitional periods in their lives. Sara’s specialist coaching areas include wellbeing, structured career development, communications and relationships. She has worked with leading firms to design stress management courses and confidence building programmes.
Sara engages in continuing professional development at the highest level and she follows the code of conduct and ethics of the GHR governing body, the Association for Coaching and the International Stress Management Association. This ensures that the highest professional standards are followed enabling clients to rely on excellent service from knowledgeable practitioners with a guarantee of complete privacy and confidentiality.
Please telephone 01296 634921 for a FREE telephone consultation session to discuss your specific needs and how hypnotherapy can help you.
Suggestion therapy, Smoking Cessation and Weight Control Programmes are usually of 2-3 session duration and costs start at £60 per hour.
Memberships, Academic Qualifications and Training
Full Member of International Stress Management Association
Full Member of General Hypnotherapy Register and GHSC
Full Member of the Association for Coaching
LLB (Hons) Law degree
PhD researcher in Psychology
Advanced Diploma In Hypnosis and Psychotherapy – N-SHAP (UKCP accredited school)
Comprehensive Knowledge Route for Stress Management Practitioners (ISMA)
Diploma in Neuro-Linguistic Programming - INLPTA
Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming - INLPTA
Registered holder of Senior Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice (GHR)
Registered with Central Register Stop Smoking Therapists (CRSST)
Registered with British Horse Society (AI level instructor)