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Philippa Kennedy


Holistic Healing


"I have always held the belief that everyone is a healer. In my view healing is really a state of being. It is the state of being present, open, loving and in non-judgmental curiosity that evokes the healer within us. In healing we have accessed our soul and the unified light of spirit. It is through this channel that we enter into the healing relationship with the soul of the other. So I don't hold being a healer as something separate or special. Being a healer is part of our natural state − just as I believe generosity is part of our natural state too. Healing is essential because it deeply invites us to come home within our selves, to embrace all life as sacred and all life experiences as sacred acts." ~ Laurie Keene, Dean of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing.


"All Healing is coming home to the Self" ~Barbara Brennan


Philippa is a psycho-energetic therapist and holistic healer. A graduate of the prestigious four-year programme at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, Philippa works with a combination of gentle hands-on healing and conscious enquiry to help restore balance, health and vitality to the client's energy field, body and life. This gentle, energy-based approach can offer support for a variety of issues, from physical illnesses to emotional, psychological and spiritual concerns.


Holding a supportive, non-judgmental space, Philippa assists her clients to connect more deeply with their innate wisdom and creativity to bring greater personal awareness and understanding. As old, limiting beliefs are met and seen for what they are, they can begin to give way to an open space of curiosity and enquiry, and a growing commitment to engage with what is, moment to moment.


Whether you are motivated by a specific need or a lingering curiosity; whether you are drawn without knowing why or you come because you feel guided, a healing session can be an opportunity to turn inward, reconnect with your own source and allow yourself to re-source from the inside out. From this place of renewed connection and engagement, you can allow your natural life-impulse to show you the next step, drawing on your internal resources and trusting in your renewed sense of self.


As a student of Patricia Whitebuffalo's Walking the Shaman's Path program, Philippa's work is also informed by Shamanic practice, which is a subtle yet powerful way of addressing the subconscious levels of the psyche. Defence or survival patterns that originate in our earliest years of experiencing the world can only be addressed at the level of the subconscious at which they were created (Delta/Theta/Alpha/Beta brainwave states). Shamanic work offers a gateway to the subconscious by holding a space for deep, intentional relaxation and exploration of one's inner landscape using the wisdom and imagery of the natural world, the animal kingdom and the elements, as well as the realms of the ancestors and spirit realms, and can be woven seamlessly into Brennan work.

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