On Maternity Leave
Erica Lowe
Each of us has experienced pain, emotional distress, wounding to our psyche and soul, simply through being human. All of us have developed coping mechanisms in order to aid us in our lives, to help us survive, and have also experienced a failure of those strategies when things around us change and they no longer work the way they used to.
Translated as ‘Universal Life Energy’ Reiki naturally realigns your energy system bringing greater flow and health into your life and being. A deep form of energy healing which works on your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, the energy flows through the practitioner’s hands as they place them gently either on your body or just above.
All you have to do is breathe and receive
Flowing as water, Reiki lifts and dissolves energetic blockages; old and no longer useful experiences; and that which we need to let go of in order to move forward into who and what we in essence truly are.
I have been working and training in the healing arts for the past 15 years. In 2008 I completed my training in the art of Reiki Healing to Master Level alongside Angelic connection. I have been practicing this work since then and continue to investigate and learn about other healing modalities including Shamanic training.
After exploring and working as a healer I then gained my qualifications as a Counsellor at Re-Vision in London. This training was integrative and so drew on many different techniques and approaches to provide a wide base of tools and resources. I have worked with clients presenting a range of issues including fertility, childhood abuse and family trauma, domestic abuse, depression, anxiety, sexual abuse and grief.
All of my training is working with ways in which to bring wholeness back into our lives.
I offer a variety of Reiki session lengths starting at £45 for an hour-long session which is made up of 40 minutes of healing, and twenty minutes divided either side of the healing in order for you to arrive and then return fully after the healing journey.
More information about sessions and prices can be found on my website: www.ericalowe.org