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Acupuncture was, for many years, mainstream medicine in China, which meant that it was used to treat a wide variety of different problems and illnesses.  It focuses on the root cause of the problem as well as the presenting symptoms, offering a ‘whole body’ approach to wellness - from the inside out.  It is not limited to just treating back pain or headaches; it can offer a solution to many acute and chronic illnesses, both emotional and physical.  


Acupuncture works by inserting very fine needles into specific points that are found along meridians (energy pathways) that trace our bodies.  It is a holistic medicine and has a totally different way of looking at the body than conventional medicine.  It takes into account the entire body – both the physical and emotional aspect of a person and looks to understand how an illness or problem is impacting the entire system.  People often present with multiple problems, or a variety of symptoms and the diagnostic procedure that is used for acupuncture is highly effective at understanding the links between all the different symptoms and providing an effective treatment to heal the entire body.


There is a growing body of scientific research that shows how acupuncture works from a more conventional perspective. The Acupuncture Research Resource Centre is an excellent source of information for those wanting to know more about the scientific basis for acupuncture.  For a slightly easier read, the British Acupuncture Council has unbiased research based fact sheets that cover a variety of different medical conditions.




Lucy Arad

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